Beat Greenhouse

The Beat Greenhouse is a playful exploration of music exploration as a cultivation experience. I created it in the spring of 2022 as my master’s thesis project. The goal of the project was to explore music creation as if it were a garden that you were cultivating, selectively breeding for desirable traits until you get a plant - or song - that you enjoy.

Beat Greenhouse is a game created using web technologies! You can play it for yourself at the link below. All you need is a few MIDI files, and you’re ready to go!

Play online at
Two plants connected to the combining machine by some brightly colored tubes.A top down view of a video game greenhouse full of plants.A menu showing how to upload a MIDI file to the beat greenhouse.A box with a plate on top and a play button on the front. This is the interpreter machine, which will play a plant as a song.A table with a tablet to interact with, and a crazy looking contraption to generate plants with.



Check out my extensive process blog here!